In Chur one can find 20 fountains in the historic city centre, I still haven't found them all. Every of them has some kind of history, either for their design or for their use. By the way, all of the fountains contain drinking water, so don't hesitate and taste a sip of fresh mountain-water.
Today I sketched two of them, let's see how long I will take to find and sketch them all...
The fountain on the "Hof" was built in 1950 to celebrate the jubilee of the diocese Chur.
On the "Storchenplatz" one can find this geranium adorned fountain. This square is called Storchenplatz (Stork square) because in the Middel Ages it was the area where families with many children used to live.
15 x 25 cm, Faber Castell Artist Pen and Schmincke watercolour on Arches paper.